Credential Management

I Try Arch (btw)  |      17.02.2023   3min read 

This post will be mostly about a password manager, specifically about KeePassXC, which is just awesome. But I’ll be using it as a little bit more than that, which is why this post isn’t titled “password manager” or even “KeePassXC”.

KeePassXC installation

Simply install the package keepassxc from the Arch repos. I also had to install qt5-wayland to and to export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to get Qt to work with wayland as a backend.

Browser integration

On Windows I’m used to relying on the AutoType feature of KeePass for basically everything, but AutoType isn’t available for KeePassXC under Wayland yet (see #2281). Most of the times one needs to enter a password is in the browser anyways (except for maybe SSH keys, but more on that later), so I thought I’d follow the recommendation of using the browser extension and see how far it can get me.

The basic installation, following the documentation, gave me already a functional setup without further configuration. Awesome 🎉

The only thing I had to change was

for_window [title="KeePassXC(.*)Browser"] floating enable

in the sway config to make the selection popup floating.


For the browser integration to work KeePassXC needs to be running in the background. For now, I put these lines in my sway config to autostart KeePassXC with sway and put it on it’s own workspace:

set $wskpxc KPXC
assign [title="^(.*)KeePassXC$"] $wskpxc
bindsym $mod+p workspace $wskpxc
exec keepassxc

However I might explore things like “minimize to tray” once sway actually has a tray as well as starting it with a proper systemd unit instead of just exec’ing it.

SSH Key agent

KeePassXC can also feed your ssh keys to an ssh agent. To make use of that, I configured a systemd user service for the ssh agent itself, as described in the Arch wiki, and setup KeePassXC also as described in their user guide. After that, you can add your keys saved in KeePassXC to the ssh agent, or you can choose (on a per-key basis) to automatically add them when unlocking the database and also removing them from the agent when the database gets locked. Again: Awesome!

Note: When using ECDSA keys, you may need to convert them to a new format so that KeePassXC can read them (see #2450):

ssh-keygen -c -o -f ecdsa.key


KeePassXC can also generate TOTPs which are commonly used with 2FA logins. Initially I was excited about that and planned to move my TOTP generation from Google Authenticator on my phone to KeePassXC and thus multiplatform. On second thought though, I realized that having the TOTP secrets in the same database as the passwords would kind of defeat the idea of them being a second factor. So I tossed that idea and kept Google Authenticator on my phone.

Speaking of phones: I do need a way to sync my KeePass database between my computer and my phone. At the moment I use OneDrive for it’s integration into Windows. My Arch system being a VM, I just mounted the Windows folder into it and thus have it synced. But obviously I need to figure something out once I go dual boot, so stay tuned!